Tonight, I took the boys to the Everett Haunted Harbor community event! Everyone putting it on was so sweet and we all had a blast! Thank you to all the boat volunteers!
We started with trick or treating at the boats, watching witches paddle board around the harbor, petting all the neighbor dogs, and watched a little of Hocus Pocus 2 before the kiddos were ready to call it a night!
Just about every time we go to the pier for some fun, we gotta stop by Lombardi’s for their lasagna and focaccia! The boys and I rarely agree on places we like to eat out but Lombardi’s is always a hit for us all. The boys ALWAYS order the lasagna and gobble it up.
Thank you so much to the city of Everett for helping this single Momma create lasting fun holiday memories through tough transitions. We are thriving through this holiday with so many fun things to do planned around us. We can’t wait for tomorrow’s adventures downtown and enjoyed the school trunk or treat yesterday.
I’m so grateful for how easy enjoying this holidays with the boys has been and continues to be!
Happy Halloween 2024, kiddos. It’s a joy watching you enjoy life.

Everett Haunted Harbor
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