Jaclynn Wilkinson


Mornings At Home



Cheers to more Mornings At Home! I need an oil change…again. My poor car has a million miles on it…again. But I am HOME for another morning. Drinking luxurious slow home lattes instead of coffee stand quickies. Surrounded by my things. With one of my kiddos having breakfast and relaxing in the living room.

You guys, I can’t even explain what a luxury this is to my exhausted nomad heart. I am SAFE.

Welcome to my morning pep talk with myself on the internet. I have SO MUCH photography work to share here. For now, I’m focusing on getting the traffic on my website up up so I just need to work on getting a post up every morning. I don’t always have the time to write something worthy of my clients. SOON, I very much so will! Today, is my last weekday shift at the cafe and I gotta run off in about 15 minutes. A quick brain dump it is!

I’m watching the rain drizzle over the sound from my bedroom window. It’s beautiful. Resisting the urge to complain it’s not “June Weather” and just enjoy being here, now.

My fresh Day Designer sits in its box in a corner of my bedroom waiting for July 1. Sometimes, I stare at the box and imagine what its contents will read in just a few months. Whose weddings. How many. What vacations. What aspirations. The family and Girlfriend’s schedule. We’ll see…

I’m learning how to have a new kind of support system. One that does not include a nesting partner. I’m learning mine is GOOD and RELIABLE and filled with healthy love. I have heard single mom’s envy my support system as it stands without Clynn. It’s taken me some time to see it through the haze.

I’m looking forward to clearing out more of my storage unit this week. Working on settling my nervous system and writing new stories for myself.

More client work & sunshine later this week!

Previous Posts:

Shangri-La On The Green

Trip to Michigan

The In Between

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