Jaclynn Wilkinson


Sincerely, Maskcara | Seattle



There are so many EXCITING things coming to Sincerely Jaclynn Beauty, I can’t even wait! It’s winter and weddings are winding down which means I am doubling down on my side hustle with Maskcara Beauty. I have big plans for representing the Seattle area with Sincerely, Maskcara Seattle.

There will be a Sincerely Jaclynn Beauty website launching THIS FRIDAY!!! (Hint, the new site looks allot like this one…but ALL MASKCARA! 😉

Maskcara’s SECOND birthday will be January 17th. (Get ready for some killer deals!) Also, MY Maskcara FIRST birthday will ALSO be January 17th!!! It was on January 17th, 2018 that I signed up as an artist because of the killer deals.

I am STILL sporting 95% of the makeup I purchased nearly a year ago.

I am going to Nashville the first weekend in March where I will be fitted with A MILLION tips to bring back to all of you and HOPEFULLY a team of 3-5!!!

If you’ve been thinking of joining Sincerely, Maskcara, January 17th will be the day to do it. LET ME KNOW if this has been on your mind in any way and we can start taking steps TODAY to get you started with a bang.

Getting Started

🤯 an email drip of tips you can DO NOW to get started strong.

🤔 A facebook party where you are merely a host to warm up your friends and family to the idea. (I’ll keep your secret!)

☕️🍰 & most importantly, a coffee date (on me!) to talk about your long term dreams, short term goals, and finalize if this is a great fit for you or not.

It’s not for every one. I promise to be honest with you if I think you won’t get what you’re looking for out of it. 

👩‍💻 I can’t wait to chat.


Sincerely, Maskcara Seattle

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