Jaclynn Wilkinson


Trust your Desires



A Journal Entry from a few weeks ago telling the story of how we found and moved into the new studio:

I’m going to let you in on my biggest secret. And we’re going to talk about TRUE DESIRES. Six months ago. Six months ago I was driving up a hill and had no clue where I was. All of a sudden, this building stood out to me like a ballerina in a football field…but it looked like a potato at a potato farm.

There is absolutely no reason why this building should have stood out to me. It is old and basically blends into the grass around it. I was not in the market for a studio…I had just signed a lease for a new one. But as I approached this old pebble building I saw a for lease sign in the window.

With zero intention to rent the place, I shot the number on the sign a text after calling twice to see what they wanted for the space…no response. Two months later I texted again. No response. FOUR MONTHS LATER and I had driven by the building almost every day. Turns out, it was a small detour from my current office…and I don’t know why, but I did. I just turned when I shouldn’t and I drove by…flipped a U at the bottom of the hill and went back to work.

They had taken the for lease sign out of the window long ago…but day after day it sat empty and I felt called to it. So. One day, I saw people parked there. I parked my car and literally walked into the building like it was mine. I found some people working in desks in a back room.

“Hi. I’m Jaclynn. Do you guys know if that front space is for rent? I would like to rent it.”

Even as the words came out of my mouth I had planned ZERO of this. I hadn’t even planned to leave my current space. It was as if the universe was pushing me and something was just blooming and taking over my entire body in that moment.

“When are you looking to move in? After the holidays?” “Yes.”

Clynn stood behind me completely dumbfounded. The man gave me his card and said to email him the following week. It was mid November.

Now, this place is mine. And there’s no reason why it should be. No reason at all except something told me I had to have it.

I believe when we spend time identifying our true desires, when we have one, it is divine intervention to guide us in the right direction. Even when they don’t make sense. Have Faith. Trust your desires. Take action when your (higher) power says to. 

Trust your Desires

Previous Posts:

Personal Post: What do You Want?

Tacoma Boat Elopement

Wedding: Lake Union Cafè

Seattle Park Engagements

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