Last time the blog saw the vintage trailer remodel it was fresh from Craigslist! We had planned on taking our time with each aspect and blogging along the way. I had no idea how much time each detail would take. We also had very little time to complete each step.
We worked tirelessly for three weeks. The day of the shoot arrived and it was POURING down rain. The trailer had new floors, new walls, and no windows. We pushed minis back one week and I decided to never try something so ambitious for mini sessions again. The following week, we put in another all nighter and a handful of late nights. It was finally in good enough shape for minis! Clients who couldn’t reschedule were seen right away and every one else came the following week where we had MUCH better weather!
This was the state of the trailer a couple days before minis sessions! I was hoping to document the entire journey but we were in too much of a hurry. I will do a live answering everyone’s questions and talking about the process when we’re feeling completely done!
I am very proud of the copper trim! It added such a unique punch. The “almond” paint turned out allot more yellow than I was expecting but with the accent panels (photos to come) it looks amazing while staying true to the vintage charm.
We cut in SO many more windows! The natural light in here will be insane.
Vintage Trailer Remodel
View Vintage Trailer Remodel POST ONE to see where we started!