Jaclynn Wilkinson


Back to School 2020



Back to School 2020

Something different about my business:

I see jokes all the time about what a photographer does. Pie charts that show “taking pretty pictures” consisting of a tiny part of a pie chart overrun by marketing, editing, and client meetings.

Nope. Not here. I am CONSTANTLY refocusing (pun intended) on ensuring my “pie chart” consists of AT LEAST 25% “honing my craft”. AT LEAST 25% on Being a better PHOTOGRAPHER. Not business owner, not marketer…PHOTOGRAPHER. Photography. It is hard. I have to readjust and realign constantly to keep this true in the studio.

This is me realigning.

Consider this my “back to school” photo/post. 2020 is the year I finally learn Photoshop.

The year I finally know lighting patterns better than I ever learned scales. The year I learn about brightness calibration, black point, and true whites.

I’m hitting the books because the goal was never to run a profitable company above all else. The goal is to be one of the best photographers in the world. That’s why I want to get paid the big bucks. Not for being relatable…I’m not, really.

I’m the Picasso. The black sheep middle-child of five. My story was built for extraordinary.

Back to School 2020

Previous Posts:

Sons of Norway Poulsbo Recent Wedding

Jackie Land


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