Jaclynn Wilkinson


Milton Family Photographer



Annual November mini sessions as a Milton Family Photographer has grown to become an epic time of reconnecting with past couples and families I’ve had privilege to serve!

Our Mini sessions were so popular this year! I decided to open up one more chance for the families’ in my DM’s and searching my blog with the regretted FOMO. ♥ BOOK NOW to secure your slot & Happy Holiday’s!!


I’ve even had Mom’s who say, “we’ll only come to you because you’re the only photographer my daughter/son is comfortable with/remembers/knows!” When the kiddos get used to me and how to work with me, it makes family photos that much easier. I am familiar with some of their hobbies and interests so I know the best questions to ask to keep them engaged and they aren’t so nervous knowing exactly what to expect when they work with me!

As the photographer, I go into the session knowing what triggered them last time (cold weather, not enough breaks, wind, etc.) and how far I can push them. I know what environments they’re most comfortable with and how well they take posing direction! This allows me to pull the best photos from them, when to give them a break or tread lightly, and which poses they loved most last time.

I have loved developing a photography relationship with Alicia’s daughter, Delilah! She takes direction well and loves to be photographed so long as she’s comfortable! I know if she keeps coming to see me throughout the years, we’ll only get better at working together.

It’s so cool to develop relationships with the families I get to photograph! I have similar stories for so many kiddos and couples who I see 1-3 times a year.

It was great working with your family again, Alicia & Michael! Looking forward to a crazy fun wedding! ♥

Check out their recently featured downtown Seattle engagement session HERE!

Book your session for December 6, 2020 in Milton, Wa

Milton Family Photographer

Previous Posts:

Oakley Family Christmas Minis 2020

Puyallup Family Photos

Edgewood Family Photojournalism

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