Jaclynn Wilkinson


Nashville Bound | GLOW Conference



Guess what?? I AM GOING TO NASHVILLE!!!!

When word came out a team conference would be held in Nashville this March I brushed it off. My little team of two had already committed to Vegas 2019. Surly that was…good enough. Nashville too? Naw….

But then…

I realized how much I LOVE this product. What a difference it has made in my confidence and excitement to get ready in the morning nearly A YEAR LATER.


I CRAVE Community in women/men looking to wake up and hustle like I do….you guys. I feel like I am missing a portion of my family. Entrepreneurship is lonely in the small business/non-mlm world. I spent seven years in the Army and while that was a highly dysfunctional family…it’s still one I miss. Here, I have the opportunity to build a new, highly functioning (or at least high-ER functioning) family of people there for each other and cheering each other on in ways only people who have a similar drive or goal in common can.

So I woke up and got to work. A switch flipped and I went from a, “I can kind of do makeup” to “I WATCHED ALL THE VIDEOS I LOVE THIS GIVE ME THAT BRUSH AND ALLLLL THE COLORS” attitude. I’m diving in hard because I want to find my Sincerely Maskcara Family.

I want to help women/men (I say men because I met a man at Starbucks with the most AMAZING contour/bronze/highlight I had seen my entire life and I NEED him on my team 🙏🏽) find community in a common goal. I want to help people find the confidence that comes with commitment to ones self and team.

So OFF TO NASHVILLE I WILL GO! To learn the ways of team building and embrace my Maskcara Community! The conference is going by the name of “GLOW”.

Thank you to Clynn who immediately said, “DO IT.” when I was just toying with the idea. He’s going to be the most amazing partner and example to unsure husband’s some day. I can’t wait for him to make some awesome friends out of this too!

We’re working hard to get my team mate, Mariah, on board and I’m showing up EVERY DAY in hopes we can find one more girl who needs to be there with us. Let me know if that just might just be you.  

Nashville Bound Glow Conference

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