Jaclynn Wilkinson


Private Estate Wedding



Sarah and Michael’s family hosted a cozy, close friends and family, Private Estate Wedding in Ronald, Washington!

When I arrived, it had begun to rain. Luckily, the family was prepared with a covered event tent just in case. The rain hung around through the ceremony (with a little thunder, too!) and couple’s photos. Then, cleared up for the evening of food, visiting, and dancing.

Couples photos were not easy! We were in the most stunning location but the rain was POURING for over half of them. We were trying to work quickly to protect the gear and hopefully not have a soaking wet bride and groom for their party. Sarah and Micael did so well! It helps working with couples in love, for sure.

Thank you so much to Sarah, Michael, and Michael’s mom Sandy for finding and inviting me to document this day for everyone! Congratulations, to Sarah on her recent graduation from law school. That’s so exciting and what a wonderful way to close one chapter and start a new one as husband and wife.

Favorite Moments: Rainy couples photos. When Michael’s mom invited Sarah into the mommy son dance. So sweet! Sarah’s perfect shade of off-white dress. and ofcourse the stunning setting.

Private Estate Wedding

Previous Posts:

Fircrest Golf Club Wedding

Five2Five Summer Wedding

Commercial Food Photography (Ice Cream Social)

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