Good morning! Or afternoon or evening since I suppose someone could be reading this at a random moment 15 years from now. I would like to fill you in on a little personal update. Our Everett Meanderings are strong and well!
I’m writing from my bed which I recently moved from the obvious bed spot to right beside my big city bedroom window. If you haven’t rearranged your bedroom in a while I highly recommend it!
I wish my story were a little different right now but I’m currently in my “single Mom with no other active parent in the picture” era. It is hard and scary and wild. No one marrying their best friend expects their favorite person to become the one that betrays them most, but here we are. Cute reminder for a wedding photographers blog. I never said I was like the rest of them, darling.
Every time I say “single Mom” I pause to make sure it’s true. I am a little stunned each time I confirm. I’m the only adult on my responsibilities but I do have INCREDIBLE emotional support and the cutest cheerleading team. None of which can help much with the kiddos but having them for absolute emergencies is a relief. My worst case scenarios are filled with support and love in its own unique way. I do hope I find more over the next year.
Poly Update:
(The following may require some Googling if you aren’t familiar with the terminology. If you’d like to learn, go for it!) I am currently in Polyamorous chapter of practicing “single Poly” with the ultimate goal of a “non-hierarchal kitchen table” community. My polycule has two sides with two different partners that are currently parallel (non-communicating). Mostly due to distance. I am confident they would be great friends! Maybe some day.
One of my partners is very busy with her own nesting polycule of 3 adults and 3 kiddos. The other partner living in another country. It’s been great space while my life navigates the dramatic ups and downs of becoming fully independent from the kids Dad. Just when I think I have things figured out and am getting comfortable, the kids Dad pulls the rug and changes things up big time on me. The latest being 100% responsibility and abandonment. No hints on when we may get that help back so it’s drown or fly, people.
Of course, I intend to fly.
The boys and I are drawing closer by the day. As they get older and come into themselves more, we are enjoying our time together more and more. The struggles are rough but we have an incredible support system to get through them! Our home is beautiful. I finally found a pediatrician I like. Our therapist is so helpful!
James has been officially diagnosed with Asthma. His allergies are still a bit of a mystery as the triggers seem to come and go and are often enhanced by exercise. Exercise induced allergies can be hard to nail down. One thing can cause a severe reaction if he moves too quickly that will give zero reaction if he sits and watches a movie. These are actual anaphylactic or severe hive/swelling reactions, seemingly separate from the asthma. I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of it or learn to best navigate it with time!
We are LOVING exploring our new home town. Yesterday, we tried a new pizza spot and visited a small apothecary. James has chosen to identify as Pagan so I do what I can to support that journey for him. He talked to the shop owner about energy clearing and protection and seemed to already know he was looking for a new bell. We found the perfect one! I feel so blessed and happy when we can make outings like that happen.
Leo is currently Star Student of The Week! We made a poster all about him and I was invited to write a letter to his class to introduce him from my perspective. Of course, I cried in a parking lot in my car writing such a letter. At first, I was overwhelmed with the timing of added homework from his teacher. However, as the week draws to a close I realize those little moments focusing on Leo were my best and so healthy for our family. THANK YOU to his sweet teacher.
The Studio is alive and well! I’m honestly a little nervous about my childcare situation when it comes to wedding bookings currently. I am sure I will be leaning on my in-laws a lot. We currently have a wonderful nanny who will need to move on soon and another one working her way in. It’s always nerve wracking to rely on new childcare! For weddings, I have trouble trusting any one but family to be there when I need them. Fingers crossed another Mary Poppins type character will walk through my door very soon!
I feel this is a bit of a dry post for my writing. Though, I hope in a few years, it’s further documentation of a chapter short lived, well conquered, and truly cherished.
Enjoy some photos of me getting to experience (what I think is) James & Leo’s first graffiti memories!

Everett Meanderings
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