Entrepreneurs. What if our small businesses were a sprint and no longer a marathon? What if the clock were seriously ticking on our success? Do the thing in one year or times up.
Hellew! I have a little mid-week motivational personal post for you today. I woke up with a thought earlier this week. It’s shifted the way I view entrepreneurship and The Studio. “What if it’s a Sprint?”
For 5-7 years, depending on how you view Rona-Shenanigans and how I processed them, I viewed The Studio as a lifelong journey. Something I was building that would grow and change and evolve and expand into my life’s legacy.
When Rona hit and I had to find new ways of supporting myself and my family financially, my hope was crushed. Along with many entrepreneurs. The idea of The Studio being a lifelong journey I could count on felt out of my control. People could, indeed, stop having weddings. My entire client base could be ordered, under law, not to hire me for the exact scenario I’ve trained so hard for.
So when my line of business “opened” again, I felt abused. I felt hesitant and scared to enter again, simply because I “was aloud”. I fear being shut out, again. After investing all of my professional energy and resources into this, I might be shut out again. What if it’s longer next time? The wedding industry has noticeably shifted and changed since the first shut down. What if it completely disintegrates if we have another? What if civil war breaks loose and the arts can no longer support me as people are struggling to buy bread?
However, what if it’s a sprint? What if right now the clock is ticking. 3 months. A year. Two years. Four years. What if that is all I have to enjoy the art of photography, wedding industry service, and a luxury entrepreneurial career before it’s all taken again? Would I go for it? Would I give it my all as my last opportunity to do something I love? Perhaps, I’d regret ignoring my last chance to make a beautiful impact because I couldn’t have it forever.
If it’s taken, so what? I acted accordingly and was emotionally prepared for the likely potential. I will smile looking back at how much I kicked ass, knowing it may be my last chance.
And if it’s not? Cool. I just got a crazy leg up. I’ll take a holiday in Italy, recover from the burn out, and come back more prepared for an endurance run.
Shall we?

What if it’s a Sprint
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