Jaclynn Wilkinson


Auburn Newborn Photographer | Dezmond Tavner



The more I do this the more confidently I label the city I worked in. “Auburn Newborn Photographer” has a pretty great ring to it.

We took these portraits in Dezmond’s sweet little sisters room. His mom, Jessica, is also a photographer! It was fun to work with her set up and props to choose from as well! Dezmond happily slept through most of our session but when he was done, he was done! I always tell my Mama’s before we dive into a newborn session that this is the only sort of work I do where the client calls all the shots! How long we shoot, the poses and wraps we do, how many breaks we take, and even when we’re done. It’s always up to baby’s comfort and tolerance.

Often times we stop for feedings, diaper changes, and just a good snuggle. If baby settles after 10 or so minutes, we keep going. Otherwise, we work with what we were able to get! Perhaps this outlook will change as I become more experienced. Maybe I will learn to read babies better and control my environment more. Just maybe, I will get faster at wrapping or positioning to add more variety. But until I find the perfect Newborn Portrait Mentor, this is my approach and I think the results are still worth every effort!

I’m so excited to be learning some new wrapping techniques from Newborn Photographer, Meg Bitton. You can check out the mini course I’m taking HERE.

I want to title this gallery, “The Many Faces of Dezmond”. He was so expressive for us! I will never tire of clicking my shutter during the rare newborn cheesy grin. Not even my little, but HEART MELTED. ♥ Thank you so much for having me, Jessica, and to Aera’s grandma for being on toddler duty while we worked a little magic!


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